In chronic heart failure, the heart is too weak to pump blood normally through the body. Blood that cannot circulate collects in the extremities and penetrates the tissues, where it causes oedema. As a result of limited cardiac function, the body does not receive a sufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients. Those deficiencies lead to a loss of muscle, fat and bone mass, a complication known as “cardiac cachexia” or body wasting. Oedema (water or fluid retention) can mask this disastrous weight loss. Therefore, the analysis of fluid levels and body composition obtained with the medical Body Composition Analyzer seca mBCA provides important information for the treating physician, particularly in cardiology.
In a non-invasive bioelectrical impedance measurement that takes less than 20 seconds, the seca mBCA from seca gmbh & co. kg, Hamburg/Germany breaks down total body weight into the components of fat, body water and skeletal muscle. The data is later analyzed against medical reference values and interpreted. seca had validation studies made that compared the measurements from the seca mBCA with scientific gold standards (current status:
The “Fluid” module in the seca mBCA determines Total Body Water and extracellular and intracellular water. An excessively high percentage of extracellular water could be, under certain circumstances, an indication of pathological water retention such as oedema.
The seca mBCA uses Bioelectrical Impedance Vector Analysis (BIVA) to assess the cellular mass and the fluid level. The physician can immediately see in the user-friendly graphic depiction whether the patient falls into a risk group and can quickly diagnose dehydration, hyperhydration and changes in fluid volume.
As part of a regular medical examination, body composition analysis identifies cachexia in its early stages so that timely countermeasures using nutritional therapy can be initiated.
More information about seca mBCA at:
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