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HAMEK establishes itself as an industry event thanks to its one-of-a-kind format


To mark the occasion of the new EU Medical Device Regulation the theme of the event was "Safe Medical Technology in Hospitals". The focus was on medical product law and medical technology management as well as security, risk, and quality management.

Participants experience the safety of medical technology in theory and practice

The goal of the new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) is to guarantee the highest patient safety while providing rapid care with innovative medical products. The question of whether this goal can be achieved through the implementation of the MDR was discussed in numerous expert lectures and was also repeatedly a topic of discussion among the attendees at the accompanying exhibition. Attendees were able to experience what seca is doing to ensure quality and safety of its high-precision medical devices live during a tour through the development, production, and quality assurance areas of the company. The attendees as well as the organizers were in agreement: With its one-of-a-kind combination of insight into theory and practice, the HAMEK symposium is a win for the constructive exchange of information in the field of medical technology that raises its level again and again each year.

HAMEK and seca – a strong team for quality in medical technology

The HAMEK symposium was launched in 2013 by Euritim Bildung + Wissen GmbH, the Fachverband Biomedizintechnik (FBMT), and seca. 30 attendees from the field of medical technology took part in that event. Now in its third year, the symposium has established itself as one of the industry's most important events in 2016. "Precision, innovation, and patient safety have been part of the DNA of seca for over 175 years," explains Robert Vogel, seca's CEO Marketing & Sales. "In order to be able to achieve this we are in constant dialog with all of the industry's relevant players. Setting up the HAMEK symposium was therefore the next logical step." Vogel sees great potential in the format of the event. The HAMEK symposium on September 19, 2017, will take place in larger spaces at seca in order to meet the growing demand. Up to 300 attendees and 30 exhibitors will then have room for lively exchange and the discussion of exciting topics relating to medical technology.

Attachment: Overview of speakers, topics, and exhibitors

Press contact:

seca gmbh & co. kg
Anika Otto, PR-Manager
E-Mail: anika.otto@seca.com
Tel.: +49 40 20 00 00 411


  • Attorney Gerald Spyra, LL.M., Cologne: Die neuen EU-Verordnungen – Medizinprodukte, Sicherheit und der Schutz von Daten (The New EU Regulations – Medical Devices, Safety, and Data Protection)
  • Mark Sonnenkalb, Head of Quality Service at seca, Hamburg: Anforderungen an MP-Hersteller – Was bringt die neue EU-Verordnung? (What Requirements for Medical Device Manufacturers Will the New EU Regulation Bring?)
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uvo Hölscher, Münster University of Applied Sciences: Patientensicherheit beim Einsatz von Medizinprodukten: Defizite bei Herstellern, Betreibern und in Gesetzen (Patient Safety with the Use of Medical Devices: Deficits of Manufacturers, of Operators, and in Laws)
  • Kai Erxleben, Technical Director, Elbe Kliniken Stade-Buxtehude GmbH: Instandhaltungsmanagement – Vom "Kostenverursacher" zum "Wertschöpfungscenter" (Maintenance Management – From "Cost Causer" to "Value Creation Center")
  • Dr. Stefan Kratzenberg, Philips Maintenance Management: Technologiepartnerschaften – Strategische Entscheidung (Technology Partnerships – Strategic Decision-Making)
  • Guido Balkhausen, Head of Medical Technology, pro homine gGmbH: Struktur und Anwendung eines CIRS-Systems zur Aufdeckung von Sicherheitsrisiken bei Medizinprodukten (Structure and Use of a CIRS System for Detecting Safety Hazards in Medical Devices)
  • Frederik Humpert-Vrieling, CETUS Consulting GmbH: Synergien zwischen CIRS und IT-Risikomanagement (Synergies Between CIRS and IT Risk Management)
  • Dirk Cordt, GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH: Mehr Sicherheit durch geänderte Anforderungen an Prüfgeräte in der Medizintechnik (More Safety through Changed Requirements for Testing Devices in Medical Technology)


  • MCD Medical Computer Deutschland
  • En-Control Gesellschaft für Energie-Controlling
  • GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
  • ESCAD Medical GmbH
  • Mides Handelsgesellschaft für Medizin & Ensorgungstechnik m.b.H.
  • S-L-E Germany GmbH
  • seca gmbh & co. kg

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